
发布时间:2020-10-30 来源:都易国际 浏览次数:1248

2020年中秋国庆节后第一天,都易设计收获喜讯,都易作品万科·江阴·时代都会获得2020年美国MUSE DESIGN AWARDS建筑类金奖。

缪斯创意奖(Muse Creative Awards)由美国博物馆联盟(AAM)与美国国际奖项协会(IAA)主办,是全球创意领域最具影响力的国际奖项之一,该奖项每年评选一次,表彰在传播艺术方面有卓越成就的艺术家。评审标准包括学术、社区、创意、创新、教育、包容性等方面。


本次都易设计选送的万科·江阴·时代都会获得建筑大项·其他建筑设计类 ·金奖。


In this project, the architects were more like the “directors” of the space, realizing complex coordination and integrity. The architects integrated the language of the facade, details of decoration, designs of lighting and selection of materials all into an “all-in-one” design solution, showing an ultimate degree of completion.


This integrated “design ability” is expressed in the transmission of the classic metropolitan style from the outside of the demonstration area into the interior. It is also expressed in the proportion and details between stone and glass materials. Also, the innovative design was demonstrated at the top of the 15-meter demonstration space, where it adopts a mirrored stainless steel diamond geometric cutting method to produce a different kind of metropolitan landscape, implying the attraction of “metropolis” for urban communities. Particularly the lighting design, it was artfully integrated by the architects at different levels of the space from top to bottom, to awaken the correspondence of light to fashion.